Internet Banner Advertising Secrets

Internet Banner Advertising Secrets

Internet Banner Advertising Secrets

Internet Banners are all over the web and it is a well known fact that banner advertising online is the most commonly used form of advertising at this moment in time. Why? Because its effective! And another great thing is targeting the banner ads at your audience. If you put a buy a 30 second TV ad slot, your viewers might not necessarily be targeted for your product. The closest way you can get to this, is putting a gardening advert in the middle of a gardening show.

Internet Banners have an advantage because you can specifically target your ads at certain countries and on certain keywords so you know your ads only show to people who are already actively searching on google for that specific term. There are loads of great ad networks out there. My favourite are and Google Adwords. If you have the budget available you can drive so much traffic onto your site its unreal! We’re talking 1000’s a day. Depending on how well your banner ad is performing and its click through rate will obviously change things, the higher the percentage, the more people will be coming through to your site.

There are a few secrets that can really help your internet banners perform on these ad networks

1. Call to Action
Add a call to action such as CLICK HERE or READ MORE to get people engaged

2. Rhetorical Question
Add a question on the banner ad to get people engaged

3. Snappy Tagling
Make people interested from the word GO by having a really catchy snappy tagling, usually is a question that is thought engaging

4. Branding
Keep the branding the same from your banner ad through to your landing page and the rest will follow

5. Good Quality Images
Head over to or where you can buy professional quality images for a really cheap affordable price. These will add more value to your banner ads

All these secrets together can really help our your banner ad and make it perform better to get more people onto your site. So try it out for yourself and see how it goes!

This entry was posted in Ads, Advertisements, Banner Ad Marketing, Banner Ads, Banner Ads Design, Banner Advertising, Banner Design, Custom Banner, Internet Banners and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Internet Banner Advertising Secrets

  1. adam stevens says:

    Tagling should be tagline

    found in number 3

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