5 Incredible Secrets to Create Effective Banner Ads
Designing banner ads is more than just going into Microsoft paint and quickly whipping up something in 5 minutes. Many designers spend quite a lot of time thinking and planning what exactly to put on a banner ad. The reason they do this is to maximize the potential success of the banner. The more attention a banner ad can get, the more people will click through to see what all the fuss is about. Here at beautifulbannerads.com we believe in beautiful design to ensure our banners get the high clicks that they deserve. This potentially for you, means that our banner ads will give you greater web traffic meaning a better conversion of sales.
So what are the 5 incredible secrets then?
- Call-To-Action
One of the most simplest things you can do when designing a custom banner ad is putting a call to action on it. This call to action will ask the user to ‘interact’ with the banner ad. This could be a simple as adding a “Click Here” or “Read More” button; this encourages the reader to click on your banner ad to find out more information. Call to action buttons are only 100% successful if you link it up with point 4 and point 5 of this blog post
- KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid)
One major mistake many new designers and inexperienced designers make is trying to over complicate everything and make It some kind of amazing Photoshop masterpiece. They have this idea in their head that simply, a bit of text an image and a call to action is “crap” because it’s too simple? But the reality is you don’t have to make it complicated for yourself so cut down on all the excessive textures and fancy brushes – it won’t help you
- Eye-Friendly
Try and look for some good colour pallets when creating banner ads. There are many great sites out there such as http://www.colourlovers.com which can really help you out. The worst thing you could do is create a banner ad which is bright red and then have something even worse like bright blue writing. Not only is this very difficult to read, all the reader can see is a big blotch of colour, it doesn’t portray any information because the reader probably won’t even realise the blue writing is actually text! Make sure the colours complement each other, however, don’t go too subtle or washed out – the ad may be a little too faded – It’s all about getting the right balance
- Attention Grabbing
If you are advertising on a major website and your banner ad is amongst 7 other banners, as much as you are getting the ad impressions. What guarantee do you have that people will click YOUR banner rather than somebody else’s? Make sure that your banner stands out, have something unique or special in it that makes the reader have that second glance. If you catch the readers eye from the start then the rest will follow. Something attention grabbing could be animation (Not over the top though, this can ruin banner ads) or an interesting icon / picture that you need to look twice at to work out what it is.
- Delivery of the Important Unique Selling Point (USP)
Don’t fill your banner ad full of text, the idea of a banner ad is like a road sign, you need to convey as much information as possible in the simplest and easiest form. The best thing to do is of a maximum have about 10 words on your banner ad. Usually we would aim for about 6 words that really sell off what you are trying to advertise. Along with all the other points above, if you manage to get the reader’s attention, they will read what your banner ad says, become interested in that and then click your call to action button.
As you can see, these points all closely link in with each other, they all help each other out and they all work together. These 5 simple steps are like a team and when you put them together – you get results. However the question is – where can you find a place to design custom banner ads that follow all these rules and ensure successful results? Well you’re in luck! Here at beautiful banner ads we design custom banner ads that are professionally designed at an affordable price. We make sure your banner ad deserves the most clicks possible!
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